Meg Giordano

philosophical and theological reflection on human flourishing

“This is what poets are paid for… look at clouds,

watch chipmunks …

I mean, someone has to keep an eye on these things.”

Billy Collins, United States Poet Laureate 2001-2003 (MasterClass, 2019)

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Informal posts exploring philosophical, theological, and personal themes


Posts linking to formal essays


Posts linking to short works of fiction and personal narrative, created in varying contexts and writing communities

Recent posts:

  • Gratitude in Thomas Aquinas

    Gratitude in Thomas Aquinas

    Here is the chapter I contributed to Wipf and Stock’s collection of essays Gestures of Grace.

  • A Dark Tale

    A Dark Tale

    Here is a short story. It’s a bit weird, but I hope you like it. Maybe it will even give you a shiver or two. Maybe.

  • An ode to ‘you’: the power of the second-person pronoun

    An ode to ‘you’: the power of the second-person pronoun

    ‘You’ is quite a marvelous word. It indicates an interconnected set of individual experiences that each stand on their own, and yet which are different for having crossed paths.